Jurassic Fight Club



Episode #
October 7, 2008
Edmontosaurus, Dromaeosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex

"Raptors vs. T-Rex" is the eleventh episode of Jurassic Fight Club.

Plot synopsis[]

A lonely Edmontosaurus looks for a herd to live in but instead wanders into the territory of a pack of Dromaeosaurus. The faster, smarter and deadly carnivores attack the Edmontosaurus with their claws, but the herbivores hide is too thick to do any damage and shakes off his attackers. The Edmontosaurus stands on his hind legs and crushes one of the raptors under his front feet and throws another into a fallen tree, however raptors continue attacking it. and manage to bring it down, though one or two of the pack members are killed by the herbivore in the process as well. However, just as they started feasting on the carcass, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, attracted by all the noises, comes over and steals the dead Edmontosaurus, leaving the Dromaeosaurus pack with just the tail, which it bit off to make the corpse lighter.
